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Bolton Photography Competition

Thank you for submitting your best images of Bolton for a chance to be featured in a 2020 Charity Calendar and exhibition!

#teamredfern have been fundraising for the Motor Neurone Disease Association (MNDA) over the past year, and along with friends, have raised over £7000!  You can find out more by clicking on 'Our Fundraising Story' above.  
For our next challenge, we ran a competition to create a calendar of images from Bolton and surrounding areas.  The proceeds from any sales are  being donated to MNDA and Bolton Hospice.
The competition is now closed, but we want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who submitted a photograph they are proud of that shows the best of Bolton.    The standard was amazing!
From all your submissions, our panel of judges conducted a blind judging and reviewed and shortlisted the top 20, 14 of these chosen to feature in a 2020 calendar.   The winners will receive a copy of the calendar with their image in.  They will also be invited to be part of an exhibition where the winning images will be displayed at a venue in Bolton!
'How to Enter' section of this site contains the terms and conditions.
If you have any feedback, questions or would like to buy a calendar, please use the contact page at the bottom of this page.

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Our Goals

We want to support fundraising towards a world free from MND 

MND is a fatal rapidly progressing disease that attacks the nerves that control movement so muscles no longer work. There is no cure

#teamredfern raise funds for the MND Association which is the only national charity focused on care, research and campaigning. Supporting us has never been easier, and any contribution will be appreciated.  Below are some MND facts

A persons lifetime risk of developing MND is 1 in 300

It affects up to 5,000 people in the UK at any one time

Six people are diagnosed everyday in the UK

There is no cure

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If you have any questions please contact #teamredfern using this form

Bolton, UK


Thanks for submitting!

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